Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Types Of Prostate Diseases

Types Of Prostate Diseases

Types Of Prostate Diseases
By Idd Aziz

The prostate is one of the most sensitive organs in the body. Just like the other parts of the body, it's affected by a number of diseases. The most common diseases include:

Benign prostatic hyperplasia

Also known as enlarged prostate, the condition is very common in men over 75 years. According to experts, the condition is part of the normal body aging process and it's brought about by changes in cell growth and hormone imbalance. When you are suffering from the condition you tend to experience trouble getting started urinating, experience weak urine stream, feel like you need to urinate, and after urinating, you feel as if the bladder isn't completely empty.

Prostate cancer

It's estimated that one in every 11 men over the age of 50 suffer from the condition. When you are suffering from the condition, there are no signs of the tumor. Instead, you experience the symptoms brought about by the blockage from the cancer. The symptoms are almost similar to the ones you experience when you are suffering from enlarged prostate. They include: frequent need to urinate, difficulty starting and stopping a stream of urine, weak urinary system, leaking urine when coughing or laughing, blood in urine, and inability to urinate when standing up.

The good thing is that the condition can be easily rectified when identified early thus its recommended that you regularly get tested if you are over the ages of 40.


This is an inflammatory disease that affects 1 in every 15 young or middle-aged men. In most cases, the condition is brought about by a bacterial infection. There are many types of this condition with the most common being:

Acute bacterial prostatitis: This is a sudden bacterial infection that is characterized by inflammation of the prostate. Experts observe that it's the least common types. When you are suffering from it you tend to experience acute urinary tract infection where you suffer from increased urinary frequency and urgency. You also tend to feel the urge to urinate a lot especially at night and it's common to have pain in the genital area and pelvis.

Chronic bacterial prostatitis: The condition is as a result of recurrent urinary tract infections that have entered the prostate gland. The symptoms of the condition are similar to those you find in acute bacterial prostatitis but they are less severe and can fluctuate in intensity.

Chronic nonbacterial prostatitis: It's the most common type of disease that accounts for up to 90% of prostatitis cases. When you are suffering from the condition you tend to experience urinary and genital pain.

In addition to giving you information on prostate diseases we also have plenty of information on treatment options. We will let you know about 3D Prostate Treatment. We also have plenty of information on NEW prostate cancer Treatment. Visit the given links to know more.

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