Friday, May 12, 2017

Childhood Obesity - Tips For Parents

Childhood Obesity - Tips For Parents

Childhood Obesity - Tips For Parents
By Mary Bodel

It's not always easy to figure out how to keep our children fit. There are a lot of distractions. There is also the problem of schools and the food served there. Sometimes that is the place to start.

Investigate School Food: Parents are usually allowed to eat with their children, especially if they are volunteering in classroom time. Eating with them a few times will let you see what they are serving. Look for these things:

Is it healthy or is there a tablespoon of grease in the middle of the pizza? Does it look appetizing? Does it taste good? Are the kids eating it or throwing it away?

Work With the School: After finding out what's being served you can address any problems you see. The school district may be able to help you create better food from the cafeteria. They may also suggest you pack your child's lunch if the food isn't acceptable. The former is preferable but if the latter is the attitude packing lunches isn't that difficult.

Encourage Play: You can do this both at school and at home. I was allowed to be on the play yard with our children after I signed in at the front office. This is probably still true. It not only helps the person in charge of the playground it encourages the children to play.

Join In: If at all possible, play with them. At school they may be doing team games, or just throwing the ball around. Playing with the kids is fun, it's good exercise for you and it shows all of the children that this is something adults do as well as children.

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Emotional Damage to Obese Children

Emotional Damage to Obese Children

Emotional Damage to Obese Children
By Gemma Bailey

Aside from the physical health risks posed to obese children, the emotional risks are obvious. Anyone who thinks that it is the responsibility of other children to become more tolerant is probably morally correct, though living in an unachievable fantasy.

Children cannot help but say what they see, whether said with malicious intent or not, if they notice a child in their class who is overweight, it will at some stage be mentioned.

Of course we can argue that a better and easier solution to the childhood obesity epidemic is to emotionally resource the obese child so that they have self esteem and confidence to such high levels, their emotional resilience cannot be fractured by the taunts of their peers.

The greatest challenge with this particular strategy is that it creates such a huge expectation upon the obese child. We are asking them to behave calmly when faced with teasing, to continue to love themselves when others point out their physical stature and above all, we are asking them to be comfortable about always being, in someway, separate to others.

If you remember being a child and having the experience of being the different one or the odd one out, you'll probably remember at as a lonely time.

As well as the physical health implications caused by childhood obesity, these children are teased and they are likely to be lonely.

Even for those who go onto develop resilience, or even grow stronger from this experience, the memories will always remain. Hoping that they will become thicker skinned adults is a risky business. They might not. They might end up damaged for life.

I implore any parent or guardian who is reading this article to abandon any previous notion that they had in which they told themselves and their obese child that they are fine "just as they are." That others should be more tolerant or that their child has a right to make their own (unhealthy) choices. I urge you to dismiss all excuses about their, or your own inability to exercise.

As a nation we have accepted that hitting your child is an unnecessary an largely unsuccessful form of punishment, that smoking in their presence is harmful and that telling them they are useless or stupid is disempowering. What if we began to view the implications to their emotional development when obese, as having the same consequences as these things? Being obese is unnecessary, harmful and disempowering.

If what I am saying is true, then the very important question that follows, is "What are we going to do about it?"

If we leave the responsibility of change with disempowered obese children we will likely not get far. If we leave the responsibility with parents who feel ill equipped to enforce healthier choices for their child we will also, most probably fail. Surely this indicates that this problem cannot be solved within the confines of the family home without strategic and proven intervention from an outside source.

There is of course no "one size fits all" solution and fortunately there is more than one solution available. So that suggests that there maybe a suitable solution for most families. It's just a case of fitting the right methods for change with the families who will be most receptive to those methods.

At NLP4Kids our practitioners offer a free consultation session so that you and your child can establish whether NLP would be the right form of therapeutic intervention for you. It's also incredibly important to us that you both feel at ease and confident about the child therapist you chose to work with. Often our therapists work with the child directly, with parents directly, and other influencing people around the child and sometimes the whole family in one go.

NLP4Kids is a children's education franchise that provides one to one therapy sessions and workshop in the community and in schools for children, teenagers, parents and teachers.
We help children to overcome a range of issues from building confidence to overcoming fears, phobias, anxiety, bullying and bereavement. Our qualified and licensed practitioners also help teenagers with self esteem, bullying and exam stress in therapy centres throughout the UK as an alternative to CBT or a CAMHS therapist.
Our parenting classes enable parents to develop skills to assist with behaviour and emotional problems with their children and to develop better relationships.
In schools we assist teachers in gaining better communication with pupils and to help children with school transition and developing respect in the classroom.

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The Health Dangers of Sugary Sodas

The Health Dangers of Sugary Sodas

The Health Dangers of Sugary Sodas
By Ruth A Yoerg

How Popular are Sodas

Today, in the United States, sugary sodas are taking the place of healthier drinks like milk. There are lots of television and radio ads about sodas trying to get your attention to buy their sodas, but what they don't tell you is how bad they are for you. These sodas, filled with sugar, cause not only weight gain, but type 2 diabetes as well. People who consume 1-2 cans per day of sugar, sodas have a 26% higher risk of chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes and heart disease along with obesity according to Harvard University.

How Much Sugar in Sodas

In a 20 ounce bottle of one sugar, soda it has 16-20 teaspoons of sugar. However, millions of Americans drink more than one 20 ounce bottle of soda per day. The more cans or bottles you drink, the more sugar you consume, which leads to weight gain. Some people believe that sodas fill you up, but they don't. In fact, sugar increases hunger that leads to obesity. Suppose you had a high-calorie meal at McDonald's with a sugar drink, you increased your calorie intake even more, up to over a 1000 calories.

Obesity is on The Increase

In the United States, 2 out of 3 adults are obese and 1 out of 3 children are also obese from drinking sugary drinks and that number will continue to increase over time. If you want to decrease your risk of developing type 2 diabetes, then stop drinking these high-fructose sodas. Instead, choose healthy drinks like milk or sparkling water. That way you will lower your risk of adult-onset diabetes.

Sugar Turns Into Fat in The Liver

Sugar is composed of two molecules: glucose and fructose. Glucose metabolizes every cell in your body while fructose metabolizes only in your liver. When we consume these sugary sodas, our liver becomes overloaded and, as a result, the liver will store more fat, which makes us overweight. Some of the fat turns into high triglycerides (fats in the blood) that can lead to heart disease over time.

Increases Belly Fat

Sugar, especially fructose, stores body fat around your belly and other organs as well called visceral fat. During a 10 week study, 32 people drank two kinds of beverages, either glucose or fructose. People who drank glucose beverages had only subcutaneous fat (not related to metabolic diseases) while on the other hand, people who drank high-fructose sodas, had an increase of visceral fat that leads to metabolic diseases.

High Fructose Drinks Linked to Heart Disease

During the 60s and 70s studies have found that regular sodas were related to certain diseases like adult-onset diabetes, high triglycerides, (fats in the blood) and high cholesterol which can lead to heart attacks and strokes.

Risk of Cancer in Sugary Sodas

In a study of 60,000 men and women, those who drank regular soda had an 87% increased risk of developing pancreatic cancer. In women after menopause, they were found to have an increased risk of endometrial cancer and an increase in colon cancer in both men and women.

Risk of Tooth Decay

Eventually, drinking too many regular sodas will cause tooth decay. Sodas have both phosphoric acid and carbonic acid which causes your mouth to be acidic. Sugar provides digestible energy for bad bacteria in the mouth; however, combine this with acids, it's a disaster for your teeth and gums.

How to Stay Healthier

If you want to stay healthier over time and lose weight, avoid these sugary sodas. It will pay overtime.

Ruth is a blogger who loves to write about healthy recipes and low fat foods. She enjoys cooking and baking foods low in fat, carbs,and sugar-free health foods. Also, she likes to write online articles on healthy eating and lifestyles. To find out more go to

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How to: Get Glowing Skin

How to: Get Glowing Skin

How to: Get Glowing Skin
By Kathleen C Olivieri

Hi - I want to talk to you today about glowing skin and exfoliation of your dead skin cells! My favorite skin care product is an exfoliant.

I strongly believe that the best thing you can do for your skin is to exfoliate - to remove dead cells.

My favorite exfoliating product is a microdermabrasion paste. The jar of the product I use will last beyond the recommended 2 months. My jar lasts around 4 - 6 months.

Why does it last so long?

Because you will not need a lot of the product to get results. Using a small amount of the microdermabrasion product just works.

Why do you need an exfoliant?

As you age, the dead cells do not turn over as easily. I'm 49, and I found out that getting rid of these types of cells is harder than it use to be!

Have you noticed that your skin is dull and not as glowing?

Your face may look dull because you have dead cells that are not sloughing off as easily anymore. By exfoliating, you will remove the dead cells that will bring a glow to your face! By removing the dead cells, your skin underneath will look younger too.

Another Fact About Dead Skin (pretty yucky fact)

The majority of dust in your house is dead skin cells. Yuck! Experts tell me that approximately 80% of all dust in your house is dead skin. Did you know that? I know that sounds gross, but that's what happens to our body's largest organ.

Our skin rejuvenates naturally. Every 30 days, skin sloughs off, and the newer cells are uncovered! However, after your 20's, this process slows down. After the age of 30, your dead skin needs help in sloughing off.

Exfoliation is the best process to remove dead skin and to improve overall appearance.

The best product that I can recommend for glowing skin is a microdermabrasion product!

How often can I use a product that will serve as a microdermabrasion?

The experts recommend that you exfoliate two or three times a week. Start with once a week and work up to two times a week. Remember to be extremely gentle when applying the product. To exfoliate properly, you do NOT need to scrub hard. Gentle exfoliation is all that you need!

Important Note: If you have sensitive skin, do not use any type of exfoliator! Your skin can not tolerate exfoliating products!

Watch my video on this topic! Go to and look at my blog tab. I would love to you to connect with me via social media - Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

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When a Woman Should Consult Her Gynaecologist

When a Woman Should Consult Her Gynaecologist

When a Woman Should Consult Her Gynaecologist
By Harikrishna Patel

Your gynaecologist can not only advise you when you are pregnant but can also be consulted before conceiving a baby or conceiving a baby faster. The process can be speeded up with professional help as they would ask you about your menstruation cycle and advice you the best suited days to conceive a baby and a healthy one too.

There are many things that you could discuss with your mates and friends but there may be certain things, may be a bit embarrassing that you might not prefer to discuss with anyone else apart from your gynaecologist, considering they might be very vital for your reproductive and sexual health. Find below the vital issues that you could discuss or consult their gynaecologist.

Occasional Bleeding after Sex

There is no need to panic the first time you bleed after having rough sex but if it is not occasional and happens more than once, then I would advise you to discuss with your woman doctor. Bleeding after sex may or might lead to anything from an infection or mere dryness to a precancerous cervical problem.

Unsteady Menstruation Cycle

An irregular pattern of your monthly periods is not considered normal and you should seek the advice of your lady doctor. Even when you are not pregnant and you may have spotting between periods now and then, make sure to consult your doctor. Discuss your period flow with your lady doctor and let her decide whether it is normal or needs attention. Sometimes a wobbly monthly cycle may result into an infection, cyst or hormonal imbalance.

Had Unprotected Sex may be once

Let's say you had sex without protection and had no changes in your monthly cycle and have not noticed any Sexually transmitted disease (STD) symptoms. Trust me your body may still be vulnerable to some sexually transmitted diseases which may show no symptoms. Some like Human papillomavirus (HPV) may remain dormant and may not get triggered for years. So it is advisable to let your lady doctor know as you as have unsafe sex.

When you have had a Few Sexual Partners

Talking to your doctor about your sexual pleasures may help you in enjoying the intimate pleasures with care and safety. They are not there to judge you but to keep you safe, so it is advisable to disclose information that may seem relevant rather than ignoring your adult pleasures completely.

What medication or supplements you are on

Let your gynaecologist be aware of any medication or supplements you are taking either for birth control or to get pregnant or in case you are having a surgery. Sometimes herbal supplements can cause complications. So keep your lady doctor updated with your medications without fail.

Ask about Vaccination and pap smear

Talk to your doctor about what pre-pregnancy vaccination is required for you and when to get them as they would keep you safe to conceive. Do not miss out on your regular pap smear and make sure you have one before you intend to conceive. Ask your gynaecologist about cervical cancer and take his or her advice on the cervical cancer vaccination.

Ask about Safe Sex, Family Planning, and Contraception

With the present technology, a lot of information is easily accessible to everyone. Yet certain issues and concerns related to adult women are best discussed and advised by your gynaecologist. All issues related to family planning and contraception, unwanted pregnancy can be resolved by your gynaecologist. They are the best people to advise you on the healthy habits related to family planning and planning a baby.

It is the duty of your gynaecologist to advise you on getting pregnant when you want to and advice not to get pregnant when you don't want to.

The best gynaecologist, Dr. Emeil Kamel, based in Sydney, is an expert specialist with over ten years of experience in the field. He and his specialist team are the right people to advise women on all gynaecological issues throughout all stages of life. They specialize in high-risk pregnancy and low-risk pregnancy providing personalized midwifery care right from before conception to after delivering the baby. /

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Remedies To Cure Yeast Infections Naturally At Home

Remedies To Cure Yeast Infections Naturally At Home

Remedies To Cure Yeast Infections Naturally At Home
By Robin Kumar

A yeast infection commonly know as candidiasis, is a disease created by the uncontrolled spread of yeast principally of the candida family. Candida yeast exists innocuously in your body especially the skin and their development is held under control by the resistant bacteria and microorganisms in the same range.

The most widely recognized viscous bacteria is the Candida Albicans types of yeast. These yeasts oblige dampness to develop and in this way incline toward regions, for example, the mouth, armpits, nail informal lodging, making these the regions where infection is well on the way to happen. Candida disease isn't perilous with the exception of when yeast enters the circulation system and spreads to delicate organs in the body. This

condition is extremely normal; over the span of your lifetime, you will undoubtedly get no less than one infection.

Yeast Infection Treatment:

Ordinarily, doctors will recommend anti-infection agents for yeast disease treatment. The issue is this exclusive disposes of the indications and does nothing to advance development of the sound microorganisms that are as of now living in the body and battling off infection.

The best yeast infection treatment is to pursue the cause and murder it. There are common yeast infection medications that will do this without representing a risk to the solid microorganisms. The utilization of a specific sort of yogurt, garlic, different vitamins, and evade certain starches would be extremely powerful approaches to dispose these diseases for good.

Yeast Infection Treatment at Home:

Eating garlic once a day together with the outer use of garlic (supplement cleaved garlic into a cheesecloth and place this into the vagina for around 120 minutes). The qualities of garlic make it a compelling probiotic, sterile specialist, acting against microscopic organisms and growths, which conveys Candida withdraw to constrained numbers and helps valuable microorganisms in getting over enthusiastically.

Eating and applying plain, sheep or goat's milk yogurt, which ought to be without sugar, unheated and natural, ideally (the application is finished by splashing into the vagina for no less than a hour).

At the point when there is exorbitant sharpness in the circulation system, and the genital and intestinal parts, this empowers Candida increase. This sharpness frequently gets from long haul prescription use, mental complexities and/or terrible eating routine propensities. In any case, natural apple juice vinegar has the alkalizing characteristics that permits it to bound Candida's movement furthermore to its augmentation.

Not at all like most other vinegar sorts, natural apple juice vinegar diminishes the level of corrosiveness in the body and re-establishes it to the right level in equalization with the antacids. For this, make a solution of natural apple juice vinegar (2 tablespoons for every a quart of clean water) to apply as a douche to the vagina, or (a large portion of some this vinegar for every shower) for scrubbing down.

How to Cure Yeast Infections Naturally

I know it might be difficult to trust that these straightforward solutions, that anybody can get, can be characteristic yeast infection cures. There are numerous yeast infection home remedies that you can attempt, all with the same satisfying results. Also, yes these cures will give you quick help of even the most uncomfortable indications. Tingling and blazing are gone rapidly and you can get on with your day.

To know more about how to cure yeast infections naturally visit Yeast Remedies

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Is Your Job Harming Your Unborn Child?

Is Your Job Harming Your Unborn Child? Is Your Job Harming Your Unborn Child?
By Juhi Modi
When you return to your family at the end of a long day at work, you may think the only thing you're bringing home with you is the stress about an overdue report. But did you know your job could be harming your child, even a child who isn't born yet? Here are some workplace hazards you should be aware of.
Workplace Risks to Unborn Children
Certain workplace hazards can harm pregnant women and their unborn child. It is important to be aware that many workplaces that are safe for non-pregnant adults may not be safe for you and your developing baby.
  • Changes in metabolism during pregnancy may affect how quickly you absorb certain chemicals or metals. Exposures to chemicals, metals, drugs and ionizing radiation during pregnancy can have a serious impact on the health of your unborn child.
  • Your immune system and lung capacity change during pregnancy, putting you at greater risk from workplace hazards.
  • Joints and ligaments loosen during pregnancy, making you more prone to injury.
  • Your body changes in shape and size during pregnancy and personal protective devices such as respirators and aprons may no longer fit properly, putting you and your baby at risk.
Common hazardous substances in the workplace include:
  • Disinfectants
  • Paint
  • Solvents
  • Petroleum products
  • Acids and other caustic substances
Even a seemingly safe desk job can cause problems during pregnancy. For instance, the extra fluid retained in the body during pregnancy can lead to the development of carpal tunnel syndrome. A desk with poor ergonomics can lead to debilitating back problems, preventing you from caring for your baby once it is born. Strenuous physical labor, prolonged standing, and twisting movements can cause complications in your pregnancy or even miscarriage.
Workplace Risks to Future Children
Some workplaces expose people to occupational health risks that can affect their ability to have children in the future. In men, exposure to pesticides, lead, certain chemicals, and ionizing radiation can lead to a decrease in sperm count, reduced libido, or birth defects in future children. Women may experience reduced fertility, sterility, miscarriages, and birth defects from exposure to pesticides, ionizing radiation, and substances such as arsenic, mercury, and lead. For example, pesticide exposure before or during pregnancy is associated with an increased risk of spontaneous abortion, premature birth, low birth weight babies, birth defects, growth retardation, and childhood cancers.
Workplace Risks to Children
  • Exposure to chemicals from the mother through breast milk during infancy
  • Exposure to pesticides, chemicals, and biological agents brought home from work on unwashed clothes
  • Exposure to infectious agents from unwashed hands and clothes of hospital workers
  • Exposure to volatile solvents, corrosive materials, and poisons stored at home
  • Exposure to hazardous machinery for children living on farms
High-Risk Jobs
Some jobs are inherently high-risk. Some of the most dangerous jobs are performed by construction equipment operators, ground maintenance staff, taxi drivers, truck drivers, power line installers, policemen, refuse collectors, roofers, coal miners, aircraft pilots, farmers, fishermen, and hospital workers.
It is a misconception that an occupational injury affects only the injured person. In fact, it has a ripple effect on the entire family who must deal with the emotional aftermath of a crippling accident. A workplace accident during pregnancy can have devastating consequences. If an injury impacts your day-to-day activities, it can prevent you from caring for your children and providing them with a happy, healthy, and safe environment.
High-risk jobs expose an individual to a number of occupational injuries such as broken bones, burns, loss of limb, neck and back problems, infections, and traumatic brain injuries. Your attitude to risk and injury in the workplace is critical, especially if your job is high-risk. If you are careless on the job (perhaps due to stress or exhaustion), you are putting the wellbeing of your unborn child on the line.
The effects of many occupational hazards are difficult to detect. As an expectant parent, you should be aware of any potential hazards in your workplace that could affect your unborn child. The CDC is a useful resource for reproductive hazards in common jobs. In most cases, reducing exposure and taking extra care is enough. But sometimes it may be necessary for a woman to transfer jobs, take a temporary leave of absence, or quit her job altogether to ensure the wellbeing of her unborn child.
Juhi Modi is a freelance writer with an enduring passion for women's issues. She believes a job should never cause harm to a woman or her unborn child. It is every employer's duty to make the workplace safe for pregnant women. If you believe you have suffered as a result of workplace hazards, consult a personal injury lawyer today to find out if you are eligible for financial compensation.
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Friday, April 28, 2017

Diabetes - The Least Common Causes of Diabetes

Type 2 Diabetes - The Least Common Causes of Diabetes

Type 2 Diabetes - The Least Common Causes of Diabetes
By Beverleigh H Piepers

You are likely familiar with some of the causes of Type 2 diabetes. You may know a little about this form of diabetes or be very aware of the latest regarding new medications, and the strategies for coping with the psychological and social challenges.

Regardless of your background, let us focus on the least common causes of Type 2 diabetes. These do not receive much attention: they are overshadowed by the main culprits, which you are likely acquainted with already.

Let's get to it...

1. Hormonal Diseases. There is much more affecting the body's insulin resistance than you may think. It is not all about your lifestyle and well-being; even if they are primary factors. Sometimes diseases may be involved, as is the case with those affecting hormone function.

Some conditions cause a dysfunction in hormone production. In some cases, excess hormones have an effect on insulin, which may play a role in the development of Type 2 diabetes. Acromegaly, hyperthyroidism, and Cushing's syndrome are some hormonal diseases that can cause Type 2 diabetes.

2. A Damaged Pancreas. The pancreas is a vital organ when it comes to blood sugar management, as it is the site where insulin is produced. For this reason, any damage to the pancreas, or any disease that affects it may predispose an individual to diabetes.

If insulin production or efficiency is impaired, the development of diabetes becomes more likely. Pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer are two diseases affecting the pancreas that may be considered less than common causes of diabetes.

3. Genetic Mutations. Most of the time, the causes of diabetes can be anticipated and addressed. When it comes to genetic mutations, however, there is little one can do. Sometimes it is a matter of a single gene impairing an individual's pancreas, limiting its ability to produce insulin. Other times, what happens we may not even currently understand. Remember there is still much we do not know, and science is a field constantly evolving.

Fortunately, anything involving genetics and diabetes is relatively rare and is the exception rather than the rule. Needless to say, genetic mutations are yet another less than common cause.

4. Medications. Lastly and perhaps surprisingly, medications may sometimes be a cause of Type 2 diabetes. Especially those inflicting damage to the beta cells in the pancreas which are responsible for making insulin.

When many people are prescribed drugs, they skip past the "possible side effects" section when reading through the product information. Medications are not perfect and sometimes, they do more harm than good.

Diuretics, psychiatric drugs, and anti-seizure drugs are known for their effects on insulin. Even niacin, a form of vitamin B you can purchase over-the-counter, could make you more vulnerable to diabetes.

Before taking any over-the-counter drugs or supplements, check with your Pharmacist or Doctor before adding them to your list.

Although managing your disease can be very challenging, Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. You can make simple changes to your daily routine and lower both your weight and your blood sugar levels. Hang in there, the longer you do it, the easier it gets.

For nearly 25 years, Beverleigh Piepers has searched for and found a number of secrets to help you build a healthy body. Go to to learn about some of those secrets.

The answer isn't in the endless volumes of available information but in yourself.

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- Why You Should Be Eating More Vegetables and Berries

Type 2 Diabetes - Why You Should Be Eating More Vegetables and Berries

Type 2 Diabetes - Why You Should Be Eating More Vegetables and Berries
By Beverleigh H Piepers

When it comes to staple foods, there will always be foods that are better options than others for people with Type 2 diabetes to include in their eating plan. Especially if body weight and blood sugar are serious concerns. While white rice is a staple for many, any whole-grain alternative would be better for someone trying to improve their blood sugar control. Lean meats are excellent sources of protein but are not viable for vegetarians, who must find a different way of getting their protein in a healthy manner.

As far as carbohydrates go, there are many ways to meet your daily requirements - even if you have Type 2 diabetes. Do not be misled into thinking you have to cut your overall intake, or they are the reason why you have high blood sugar levels. What you likely need are some simple dietary changes. And this is where your staples come in.

You have heard the suggestion many times before to eat more fruits and vegetables. It bears repeating because even if you have made recent efforts to improve your diet, there is still a good chance you do not eat fruits or vegetables as often as you should.

Vegetables and berries as your choice of fruit are not only essential but also hard to beat. They are effectively "super foods" for a few reasons...

  • they are rich in a variety of vitamins and minerals.
  • they are low in sugars; berries are a particularly excellent choice of fruit because they are less caloric than other fruits with their more moderate amount of sugar. Plus, there are always one or two types you are bound to like enough you could eat them daily.
  • they contain plenty of fiber, which helps with satiety and is essential for optimal digestive health.
  • they can be eaten at any time as part of a meal, appetizer, snack, or dessert.
Combine all of the above, and you have just a few but significant reasons why vegetables and berries are the ultimate staples of any healthy diet.

A major problem most people have with weight loss has to do with appetite management and caloric intake. Either it's...

  • hard to maintain daily discipline in regards to appetite control, or it
  • proves to be difficult to keep a caloric deficit long enough to get sustainable results.
While these issues have several workable solutions, one simple piece of advice is to eat more berries and vegetables.

With raw vegetables or a handful of blueberries, it is hard to eat past your caloric limits. The same cannot be said about sugary cookies or a bag of chips. At the end of the day, you can consider this yet another friendly reminder to eat your fruits and vegetables.

Although managing your disease can be very challenging, Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. You can make simple changes to your daily routine and lower both your weight and your blood sugar levels. Hang in there, the longer you do it, the easier it gets.

For nearly 25 years, Beverleigh Piepers has searched for and found a number of secrets to help you build a healthy body. Go to to learn about some of those secrets.

The answer isn't in the endless volumes of available information but in yourself.

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Diabetes - A Helpful Diet for Non-Alcoholic Liver Disease

Type 2 Diabetes - A Helpful Diet for Non-Alcoholic Liver Disease

Type 2 Diabetes - A Helpful Diet for Non-Alcoholic Liver Disease
By Beverleigh H Piepers

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is a range of conditions that come about due to a little too much fat in the liver cells, which can exist without causing problems, to full-blown cirrhosis, or scarring of the liver. It is often seen among people who are overweight or obese, or in people diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes.

Researchers at the Lab of Epidemiology and Biostatistics in Castellana Grotte, Italy, looked at 98 people with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. They assigned 50 participants to a low-glycemic (low-GI) Mediterranean diet and the remaining participants to a regular diet. After 6 months, their results were reported on in the Journal of Nutrition, Health, and Aging, 2017. An improvement was seen in the participants in the group who were following the low-glycemic Mediterranean diet. This led the investigators to conclude a low-glycemic Mediterranean diet could be an important method for treating non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and went on to speculate it could also be a good way to prevent Type 2 diabetes and heart and blood vessel disease.

The Mediterranean diet is based on foods such as...

  • various fruits and vegetables,
  • whole grains,
  • beans, and
  • nuts.
Liquid oil such as olive and canola, replace butter and various other solid fats derived from meat and dairy products. Instead of salt, the diet includes herbs and spices for more flavor and less risk of high blood pressure. Red wine is optional.

The Mediterranean diet is thought to lower the risk of...

  • breast cancer,
  • Parkinson's disease, and
  • Alzheimer's disease.
A low-glycemic diet limits sugars, especially of the refined variety. All foods have a glycemic index (GI), a number based on how much a particular type of food raises blood sugar levels. The glycemic index times the portion size is the glycemic load (GL). A "real" goal for the daily glycemic load is 100...

  • a cup of chopped kale has a glycemic of 3.
  • an ounce of peanuts, actually a kind of legume or bean, has a glycemic load of less than 1. Unfortunately, it also has 166 calories, so don't go overboard.
Need some flavor? Who doesn't?

  • a quarter cup of fresh basil leaves, with one calorie, has a glycemic load of less than 1.
  • a tablespoon, or 8 grams, of garlic powder, with 27 calories, has a glycemic load of 3.
Crave sweets? Try fruit...

  • one cup, or 151 grams of grapes, has a glycemic load of 9, with 104 calories.
In contrast, 1 ounce or 28 grams of a Mounds candy bar, has a glycemic load of 18, with 258 calories.

Check out the American Diabetes Association website for a Mediterranean diet meal plan.

Although managing your disease can be very challenging, Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. You can make simple changes to your daily routine and lower both your weight and your blood sugar levels. Hang in there, the longer you do it, the easier it gets.

For nearly 25 years, Beverleigh Piepers has searched for and found a number of secrets to help you build a healthy body. Go to to learn about some of those secrets.

The answer isn't in the endless volumes of available information but in yourself.

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Type 2 Diabetes - What Does It Take to Reverse Diabetes?

Type 2 Diabetes - What Does It Take to Reverse Diabetes?

Type 2 Diabetes - What Does It Take to Reverse Diabetes?
By Beverleigh H Piepers

You may have questions about the treatment of Type 2 diabetes. As you have heard often, there is no such thing as a stupid question. Even the basic ones are a go and you would be surprised at how often the basics are overlooked. You may have a general question. You are at the right place if you are wondering what it takes to treat Type 2 diabetes and reverse your condition. The short answer is it takes time, patience, instruction, effort, and a willingness to succeed.

Let us examine each of these components further...

1. Time. Since Type 2 diabetes is a disease with a slow development time (between ten and fifteen years), it is not realistic to believe it could be undone in a short matter of time. Treating high and unstable blood sugar levels and losing weight is not an overnight affair. For this reason, it is better to approach treatment with the awareness it could take a while.

Which leads us to the next point: patience.

2. Patience. It is crucial to have the right mindset when setting out to reverse diabetes. In this regard, patience is a virtue. Do what you have to do, trust the results will come, and then wait.

It sounds simple, but many people are demoralized when they start to realize it is a longer process than they expected. Don't make the same mistake - keeping your spirits high is essential.

3. A Willingness to Succeed. On that note, let us talk about the desire to succeed. If you have a drive to absolutely stop at nothing until you are where you want to be, you are more likely to succeed. It is that simple. However, if you are lackadaisical in your approach, you would be more liable to quit when progress stalls or you suffer a lapse in commitment.

You have to reflect on how badly you want to be healthy, and how important your well-being is to you. No one wants to be overweight but since it is in everyone's power to be leaner, it is clear some want it more than others.

4. Instruction and Effort. Lastly, we have instruction and effort. With proper guidance from a medical professional and a daily commitment to lowering your blood sugar, you have the final ingredients required to deal with the disease.

Willing to work is one thing. Doing it is another. Which is why you must follow through on your intention to succeed. And that is where instruction can help you.

Your doctor can help you establish a routine conducive to treating and lowering your blood sugar...

  • a nutritionist could help you create a healthy diet, and
  • a personal trainer could help you get started in the gym if you are unsure of where to begin.
If you lack guidance, you either have not searched hard enough or looked in the right places. If you are not putting in the work, Type 2 diabetes is not going to reverse itself!

Although managing your disease can be very challenging, Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. You can make simple changes to your daily routine and lower both your weight and your blood sugar levels. Hang in there, the longer you do it, the easier it gets.

For nearly 25 years, Beverleigh Piepers has searched for and found a number of secrets to help you build a healthy body. Go to to learn about some of those secrets.

The answer isn't in the endless volumes of available information but in yourself.

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Vitamin D Deficiency Is High Among People With Diabetes

Type 2 Diabetes - Vitamin D Deficiency Is High Among People With Diabetes

Type 2 Diabetes - Vitamin D Deficiency Is High Among People With Diabetes
By Beverleigh H Piepers

Several studies have found people diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes frequently have inadequate levels of vitamin D. The latest study, reported in the online journal PLOS ONE in April of 2017, was completed by investigators at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in Kumasi, Ghana.

A total of 118 Type 2 diabetics were included in the study. Their blood level of vitamin D was compared with blood from a group of healthy participants...

  • among the Type 2 diabetic participants, 92.4 percent had a vitamin D deficiency,
  • compared to 60.2 percent among the non-diabetic controls.
Low levels of vitamin D was not found to be linked with insulin resistance. The scientists recommend everyone diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes be supplemented with vitamin D because most people who have diabetes are deficient in it.

Vitamin D deficiency leaves millions of children and adults at risk for numerous diseases and disorders and according to several researchers, despite all our modern technology, a deficiency of this vitamin is one of the commonly unrecognized medical conditions. Vitamin D is essential for absorbing calcium and helping to build bones.

In children a vitamin D deficiency results in rickets. Rickets can cause...

  • slowed growth,
  • pain in the back, pelvis, and legs,
  • muscle weakness - muscles need calcium too.
  • skeletal deformities,
  • bowed legs or knock knees,
  • thickened wrists and ankles, and
  • the breastbone protruding outward,
In adults, a vitamin D deficiency results in osteomalacia or softening of the bones, which can cause...

  • aching bones,
  • muscle weakness, and
  • bone fractures.
According to the United States Department of Health and Human Services, as of November 2013, vitamin D deficiency is a worldwide problem. It was especially common in women in the Middle East, probably because of their garments. There is, unfortunately, a lack of information from Africa and South America.

According to the Mayo Clinic in the United States, the recommended daily allowance (RDA) for vitamin D is...

  • 600 IU each day for adults 70 years of age or younger, and
  • 700 IU each day for people 71 or older.
Children and young or middle-aged adults can get vitamin D from exposing their skin to sunlight. Older people do not make as much of the vitamin because their skin has less of the previtamin D molecule. Mushrooms, like human skin, make this vitamin from sunlight, so leave your mushrooms out in the sun for a few hours before eating them.

Although managing your disease can be very challenging, Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. You can make simple changes to your daily routine and lower both your weight and your blood sugar levels. Hang in there, the longer you do it, the easier it gets.

For nearly 25 years, Beverleigh Piepers has searched for and found a number of secrets to help you build a healthy body. Go to to learn about some of those secrets.

The answer isn't in the endless volumes of available information but in yourself.

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Thursday, April 27, 2017

How to Recover Faster From an Orthopaedic Surgery?

How to Recover Faster From an Orthopaedic Surgery

How to Recover Faster From an Orthopaedic Surgery
By Derick Ng

Advancement in Orthopaedic surgery over the years has led to a lower risk of infection and a faster recovery process. Although Orthopaedic surgery brings a lot of pain to the patient, there are many pain relief medications that can be consumed to counter it. Recovery is a long and slow process that requires a lot of patience from the patient. It cannot be expedited or long term complications may occur. However, there are some things you can do to help recover faster. Let's look at some of them.

Begin physical therapy before the surgery

Contrary to what many people believe, recovery actually begins months before the surgery! About 6 months before the surgery, you should start going to the gym to build up muscles around your body. For example, if you will be undergoing knee surgery, you should build up muscles around it such as your Quadriceps muscles, calf muscles and thigh muscles. By strengthening muscles around the injured region, you are helping your knee to be able to depend on the surrounding muscles to support it. Coupled with physical therapy after surgery, the recovery time will be significantly reduced.

Start physical therapy immediately after surgery

Physical therapy starts immediately after surgery, gradually increasing the intensity as days passes. Gentle rotations around the injured region should be conducted and it will be pain-free due to the anaesthesia. These will also help to reduce scarring and stiffness of the injured part. As days slowly pass, you should increase your physical therapy session duration as well as the intensity.

Opt for minimally invasive surgery

Whenever possible, always try to opt for a minimally invasive surgery or arthroscopy. Instead of cutting open the surgical site, arthroscopy makes a few small incisions to allow cameras and surgical tools to be inserted into your body. With a small incision, it reduces chances of infection as well as significantly decreasing the recovery time. It also ensures that the pain will be much less as compared to traditional open surgery. However, arthroscopy will cost more than traditional surgery.

Consume nutritious foods

Proper nutrition after surgery will help to speed up the healing process. You should consume lots of protein since protein is the building block for the body. Foods that are rich in protein include chicken, fish and red meat. You should also consume sufficient greens. Spinach, broccoli, cabbage and asparagus are good sources of nutrients for the body.

Orthopaedic surgery often requires lengthy recovery periods that requires a lot of patience, dedication and perseverance from the patient. Do not rush through the physical therapy as it may do more harm than good.

We introduce you Singapore Sports and Orthopaedics Clinic where professional help will be offered in the areas of diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation for all spine injuries and sports injuries.

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Chocolate Can Do Wonders to Reduce Heart Disease

Chocolate Can Do Wonders to Reduce Heart Disease

Chocolate Can Do Wonders to Reduce Heart Disease
By Mary Lissa

What are the possible factors which could help reduce heart disease? Do you know? Most people do not have any idea that the common things we use in our daily life can also do heart disease prevention. Heart disease is one of the diseases which can endanger person's life all of a sudden as a result of heart attack or heart failure. There are hundreds of reasons for a sudden heart failure in people no matter what age they are of.


One of the most commonly used things is the delicious chocolate used by every other human being at least once in a month in one form or another. If people know about the importance of this important ingredient they would definitely increase its use to do heart problem prevention in their lives. Doctors recommend people to do chocolate consumption on daily basis in any form to prevent cardiac diseases. Dark Chocolate is significantly recommended since it contains large amount of nutrients which are good for a person's health. It contains antioxidants which help reduce heart diseases. It has abundance of fiber, magnesium, iron and potassium which have the ability of heart disease prevention. Knowing about the heart disease prevention diet is very important these days, since the heart disease is widespread in almost every country of the world.

Chocolate maintains a good blood flow

One of the most important reasons of using chocolate for heart problem prevention is its ability to smooth en the blood flow in a person's body. It not only smooth ens the blood flow but also lowers the blood pressure which becomes the main reason for the heart attack in most of the cases. Cocoa has bio active elements in it which accelerates yet smooth ens the blood flow in the arteries and ultimately results in lowering the blood pressure. The anti-oxidation elements in Cocoa restricts the cholesterol to get accumulated in the arteries which becomes another big reason of a heart attack. In this modern world, cocoa is considered as a medicine to ensure better cardiovascular health. It does not only have a magnificent taste but it has large healthy benefits for a human body. People should use the diet which reduces heart disease risk and contribute to heart disease prevention and treatment. People should follow heart disease prevention tips to avoid cardiovascular mishaps in their body.

Other ways to reduce

The smooth functioning of a human body is essential for a health life and this article will tell you about the heart disease prevention to some extent. The smooth blood circulation in the body is essential for a smooth functioning of heart which can only be made possible through using diet.

Reduce heart disease through intake of healthy foods

Over weight of body do not result to reduce heart problem but oppositely is complementary to cause it. Mostly people with more weight have to experience the heart disease which can become deathly if not taken care of properly at appropriate time through right heart prevention tips. In most of the cases, the doctors' recommendations include the reduction of weight in the heart disease treatment. They pressurizes the patient to reduce his weight to help burn the calories and reduce the cholesterol level which is often the main reason of cardiovascular diseases.
• The patients with heart diseases should take healthy diet including rich amount of whole grains which is mostly present in brown rice and bread.
• Olive Oil should be made a significant ingredient of the food.
• He should eat sea food on regular basis instead of red meat which is not so healthy for any human body if consumed in abundance.
• There are many brands available which offers low fat or fat-free dairy products. To prevent the health disease one should make the low fat eatables an important food on regular basis.
• Sodium is not good since it increases the blood pressure. That's why whatever that has rich sodium in it should be avoided.
• Fruits should be taken in abundance.
• Fried food should be avoided and preferably grilled or steamed food should be taken in heart prevention diet.

Exercise is best to have a healthy life!

Not only healthy foods but there are many exercises which a person can do to help. Doing exercise on daily basis, keeping your body fit and used to of a stressful activity can help a lot in dealing with the cardiac diseases and coping with them on a long term basis. What is heart made up of? It is made up of muscles which need to stretch and exercise all the time. When a person exercises, his heart starts pumping the blood all over the body and starts functioning with greater efficiency. This will keep the heart's life to live longer. Exercise on regular basis is very important for a human body for burning calories and decreasing the amount of accumulated cholesterol. It is common to know that exercise keeps the heart flexible in pumping blood out and keeps the blood pressure normal. Doctors recommend that every person should exercise for at least 30 minutes daily to keep the body fit and healthy. Yoga and jogging at an appropriate rate of running is considered good for the heart disease prevention as well as treatment. The healthy heart burn off your stress and makes you sleep better which ultimately results in a healthy and fit life. These heart prevention tips should be adopted in his/ her life to live longer.


Exercise, healthy food and regular walk helps to reduce heart diseases. Heart disease symptoms can be suddenly seen in any human body no matter what the age or gender is. Heart is the most important organ of the body that can malfunction at any time of life if not taken care of. Negligence in terms of improper and unhealthy diet can lead to serious health problems.

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Are You a Dental Implant Candidate?

Are You a Dental Implant Candidate?

Are You a Dental Implant Candidate?
By Genie Fletcher

Dentures have been helping people live more productive lives for years. Do you think George Washington could have been as effective a leader without a sturdy set of teeth?

The trouble with dentures is that they are imperfect. There's an old comedy bit by Richard Jeni. He goes through his morning routine of searching for his glasses so he can find his teeth. So that he can then call for his wife to bring him his hair. The bit is based on the reality that dentures get lost... sometimes daily.

The main reason people remove their teeth at bedtime is because they are uncomfortable to sleep in. Another reason is because they want freedom from the cream they must apply to keep them in place. These two issues are why so many find that dental implants are a more attractive option.

By reading this you can decide if you're a good candidate for them.

Trouble with Dentures

If you can relate to the troubles noted above then you are someone who should consider getting high quality implants. The time spent trying to find your teeth is stressful. This is particularly true if you have a rambunctious pet at home who might mistake your dentures for a chew toy!

Aside from merely misplacing false teeth there are the embarrassing issues of when they slip mid-conversation. With a pair of implants this will never happen again. Having said this, one's convenience is not the only factor. While dentures are not cheap, the quality you get with implants comes at a premium cost.

The Upfront Cost Won't Hurt You

Once you have established that you want the freedom and comfort that comes with implants there is the cost. A full set of dental implants can cost as much as a high-end luxury sedan or SUV. The difference being that, while a nice car provides certain comforts on the road, dental implants improve your quality of life all day long.

For patients who are on the fence about whether to invest the money, they should ask themselves if there is anything that having dentures prevents them from doing. This is important because while the potential for doing much more is there with implants, some patients literally would change nothing about their lives if they had them.

You're Still Active

If you are still very active then dental implants will provide you with the relief of knowing that your teeth are not going to get in the way of your lifestyle.

This includes vigorous exercise, traveling around the U.S. and abroad, and even eating and drinking your favorite foods.

The key to deciding whether or not you are a good candidate is to consider what has been discussed here. Are you still active? Do your dentures cause you unnecessary hardships in your everyday life? Is the upfront cost of implants compared to another set of dentures something that can reasonably fit into your budget?

If you answered yes to all three questions, you should seriously consider getting a consultation. For those who are on the fence about whether it would be worth it, you also might want to get a consultation. It will help you get answers to other questions you may have about the benefits of implants.

Noble Dental Care is a family oriented dental care clinic with dentists that care about you and your health. Give us the opportunity to give you the smile of your dreams. Call us for an appointment at (480) 820-3515. Visit site:

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