Thursday, April 27, 2017

How to Protect Yourself From Allergies

How to Protect Yourself From Allergies

How to Protect Yourself From Allergies
By Eleni Zervou

Allergy free home

Modern living conditions are the main cause for allergy increase. People tend to spend more time indoors due to their lifestyle. Yes, we leave in cleaner homes but do we live in a cleaner environment?

Keep rooms dry

Use an exhaust fan in bathrooms, laundry rooms after every use to reduce mold. Keep a dehumidifier in the basement and remember to clean and empty it as it collects all the moisture. Check frequently the areas where moisture and mold develops, under the sinks, leaky faucets or pipes, even your fish tank. Once a week wipe dry around the sink, bathtub and toilet, use a plastic shower curtain that can be washed as often as needed. Keep the bathroom door open or open slightly a window. Rooms must be kept dry and Do not overwater your indoor plants.


It is not your cat or dog you are allergic to, but to proteins found in the animal's fur, saliva dander and urine. So keep your loving pet away from your bedroom or even better outdoors if that is possible. Have your pet groomed everyday preferably outside. Use a damp pet brush or comb to trap dander.


Be careful of what you bring into the house. Non-washable curtains, upholstered furniture and wall-to-wall carpeting are all collectors of dust mites and mold. You may want to consider hardwood floors or tiles as they do not collect dander, a washable curtain or shades or just keep your windows bare.

Clutter and collectibles

Books, newspapers all household items attract dust. To avoid allergens in your home, dust surfaces as often as needed. Recycle newspapers, magazines, cans and plastics once a week. If you need to store any items use plastic bins or bags.

Children's room

Soft toys accumulate dust mites more than you can possibly imagine. You cannot see them but they are there. Since children love them or having them in their room not to mention on their bed, you should buy stuffed toys that can be machine-washed and pave in the dryer.


Tiny bugs nestle in your mattress and pillows, dust mites, thrive on humid atmosphere. So, use dust proof casing for your pillows and mattress, microfiber ones are preferred. Wash your sheets once a week in high temperature and place them in the dryer. Avoid fluffing your pillows and bed covers.

Kitchen area

Check your fridge for moisture, wipe the door clean with a damp cloth and occasionally check the drip pans, make sure they are dry to avoid mildew.

To reduce moisture install an exhaust fan over the stove for the cooking fumes.


Vacuuming, dusting or sweeping stir up dust mites and it takes some time before they settle. You certainly do not want to breathe them. Use a vacuum cleaner with HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air filter) and remember to change it when necessary depending on its use.

Protect yourself and family from allergies. Keep your home clean, dry, and well ventilated.

For an Advanced Total Home Cleaning System try Sirena Vacuum Cleaner Designed For Pet Owners And Allergy Sufferers

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